Advisor Responsibilities
A YMCA Youth and Government Advisor's job includes recruiting, training, and supervising high school youth to form a delegation including:
- Act as liaison with the State YMCA of Maine Youth in Government Program Director and staff, and conveys problems, questions and/or concerns as may be necessary
- Ensure that the Youth and Government Program and local YMCA policies are always adhered to.
- Assist and prepare delegates to run for leadership positions.
- Host at least one Training Session for their delegation online.
- Assist participants in drafting bills, and endorsing all bills, that they pass the straight face test submitted from your delegation
- Communicate regularly with club members and parents.
- Submit your Hotel Room list by the deadline.
- Assure that each delegate attends scheduled sessions.
- Attend all advisor meetings and assist with general conference duties
- Actively support the Youth and Government Program goals and objectives.
- At Augusta Session help in the program by acting as (at least one of the following)
- Media Advisor
- Advisor to Youth Governor and Cabinet
- Advise presiding officers in House or Senate
- Committee Session Advisor
- Stay in Hotel with the delegation and do a knock on door bed check in each room where your participants are staying.
2024 Youth and Government Time Line
Monday August 19th----------Registration and Bill Submission Opens
Tuesday October 8th-----------New Participant Zoom
Thursday October 17th--------Online Caucus A
Monday October 21st----------Online Caucus B
Tuesday October 22nd----------Bill Submission Deadline
Friday November 1st------------Final Hotel Room Assigment Deadline
Friday November 1st------------Final # for Invoicing
Monday November 4th---------Leaders Zoom
Thursday November 7th -------Leadership Training
Friday to Sunday Nov 8-9-10--2024 Youth and Government